Leilão 202401 Rare Carpet & Antique
Overpoortstreet 2, 9000, Gent, Belgium, Bélgica

Thank you for your choosing My auction.

All the Carpets in my auction are Handmade and Rare .

please look at the carpets with patient and attrntion all handmade carpets are unique in design and colour harmonie.

i will try to take photo from everywhere of carpets .

if there is a problem with carpet for surely i will show at the photo.

most of my carpets are old and unique therefor some of them.

Afther the sell the carpet , is difficuilt to return back .

I will shipping with secure transport.

the shipping is with insurance .

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O leilão terminou

LOTE 12:

Senne Persian handmade carpet

Preço inicial:
Preço estimado :
€400 - €500
Comissão da leiloeira: 15%
IVA: 21% Sobre a comissão apenas
Utilizadores de países estrangeiros podem estar isentos de pagamento de impostos, de acordo com as respectivas leis de imposto

Senne Persian handmade carpet

Handmade Persian Senne , 100 % handmade and wool ,  

warp: cotton

pile: wool

make : senne

size ; 150 x 100 cm

location : prive location

design : medallion

weaver: handmade 

colour : multi

Condição:  Boa
Peso:  5 kg
Medidas:  150 x 100 cm
Medidas com a moldura:  152 x 105 cm
Profundidade:  10 cm

the carpet is very good condition, there is no wear off and colour probleem,  

but the carpet has been not clean and should be clean it,  

please look at the carpet with patienty and attention , each handmade carpet is uniek in desgin and colour harmonie .

please make attention ;

this carpet has not perfessionali clean , our advice for private customer , make clean before use , we will clean for you with this tarif 

50 euro