拍卖会 14th
Festetics Palace (Andrássy University) Pollack Mihály tér 3. Budapest, 1088 Hungary, 匈牙利
The auction of the Hereditas Antiquarium features 199 lots, including several unique literary and historical rarities as well as natural science and cartographic treasures. 

拍卖品 10:

Bibó István dr., Ifj.: Kényszer, jog, szabadság

80,000 Ft
拍卖行佣金: 18% 更多详细信息

Bibó István dr., Ifj.: Kényszer, jog, szabadság
Szeged, 1935. Városi ny. VIII+151p. (Acta litterarum ac scientiarum Reg. Universitatis Hung. Francisco-Josephinae. Sectio: Juridico-politica. Tom. VIII.)
The author's second published work, which followed a year after his study titled "A szankciók kérdése a nemzetközi jogban" (“The Question of Sanctions in International Law”). In the following years, several of his writings on similar topics were printed as well as perhaps his most influential work about ten years later: "A magyar demokrácia válsága" (“The Crisis of Hungarian Democracy”, see lot 14 of our 9th auction).
The item also contains additional studies.
Contemporary half cloth.