Leilão 14th
Por Hereditas Antikvárium
Festetics Palace (Andrássy University) Pollack Mihály tér 3. Budapest, 1088 Hungary, Hungria
The auction of the Hereditas Antiquarium features 199 lots, including several unique literary and historical rarities as well as natural science and cartographic treasures. 
O leilão terminou

LOTE 26:

Dugonics András: Római történetek. Írta ~ kiráji oktató.

Preço inicial:
80 000 Ft
Comissão da leiloeira: 18% Mais detalhes

Dugonics András: Római történetek. Írta ~ kiráji oktató.
Pozsonybann és Pesten, 1800. Füskúti Landerer Mihály. 1pl(s). (copper engraved map by Ferenc Karacs Ferenc)+475+(2)p. First edition.
The work discusses the history of ancient Rome, from the city's foundation to the time of Emperor Augustus. As described in the preface, Dugonics aims to show the moral education of the youth and what virtues are needed for the prosperity of an empire. He cites the works of Eutropius, Livius and Florus as sources.
Modern half leather.
Szüry: 1034.