Leilão 14th
Por Hereditas Antikvárium
Festetics Palace (Andrássy University) Pollack Mihály tér 3. Budapest, 1088 Hungary, Hungria
The auction of the Hereditas Antiquarium features 199 lots, including several unique literary and historical rarities as well as natural science and cartographic treasures. 
O leilão terminou

LOTE 45:

Kazinczy Ferenc: Magyar régiségek és ritkaságok. Kiadta: ~. Első kötet [unicus].

Preço inicial:
80 000 Ft
Comissão da leiloeira: 18% Mais detalhes

Kazinczy Ferenc: Magyar régiségek és ritkaságok. Kiadta: ~. Első kötet [unicus].
Pesten, 1808. Trattner Mátyás. XL+223p. The title page and the foreword bound to the end. Frontispiece missing.
The work, which until recently was considered by the reference books as the first edition, had been published a year earlier (see Zoltán Éder "Sylvester Grammatikájának utóéletéről" Bp. 1990). Kazinczy somewhat reworded the preface for the second edition and added a postscript (Utólírás). As he writes, he feels the need to add further explanations and additions to his notes in several places. Among others, he discusses the so-called Debrecen grammar at length and praises his friend, Miklós Révai, who has since died. The work also includes János Sylvester's first summarising scientific Hungarian grammar, Mátyás Dévai Bíró's alphabet book, whose author was unknown to Kazinczy, and János Varjas' poem written in 1795 using only the vowel 'e'. Kazinczy collected these printed rarities – which were known only in single copies at that time – and made them available to the scholarly public with his notes.
Worn, contemporary hardpaper.
Szüry: 2923.