Jul 12, 2022
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Spain
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LOT 421:

RAVEL MAURICE: (1875-1937) French Composer. A.L.S., `Maurice Ravel

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Sold for: €600
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Estimated price :
€700 - €900
Buyer's Premium: 25.5%
VAT: 17% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jul 12, 2022 at International Autograph Auctions

RAVEL MAURICE: (1875-1937) French Composer. A.L.S., `Maurice Ravel

`I went through those terrible times, many years ago´


RAVEL MAURICE: (1875-1937) French Composer. A.L.S., `Maurice Ravel´, two pages, oblong 5.5 x 4 card, Montfort l´Amaury, 22nd July 1932, to an unidentified friend, on his personal monogrammed stationery bearing his embossed initials to the upper left corner, in French. Ravel explains the reason of his late reply stating in part `Mon cher ami, parmi un monceau d´imprimés arrivés durant une courte absence et que j´avais négligé d´ouvrir, je découvre la triste nouvelle de votre malheur. Je veux espérer que vous n´avez pas cru a mon indifference´ (“My dear friend, among a heap of printed posted papers which arrived during my short absence and which I had neglected to open, I discovered the sad news of your misfortune. I hope that you did not believe I have been careless”) further referring to a similar difficult time he lived years ago, saying `Je vous plains de tout coeur. J´ai passé par ces affreux moments, il y a bien des années. Je n´en suis pas encore consolé´ (“I pity you wholeheartedly. I went through those terrible times, many years ago. I am not yet consoled”) Ravel refers to his mother´s death, in January 1917, a death from which he truly never recovered. Extremely small crease to the bottom right corner with small erasure to the upper edge, otherwise about VG

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