Leilão 1 Urban Art
Por Medusa Auctioneers
Struikhei 37A, 4714VC Sprundel, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands, Holanda
Urban Art Auction by Medusa Auctioneers Consisting out of Lots 1 - 210
O leilão terminou

LOTE 36:

Jackson Pollock (cody Wyoming 1912 - 1956 Springs, New York), (after), Drawing in blue marker, and bears signature ...

Preço inicial:
Preço estimado :
€150 - €200
Comissão da leiloeira: 29.5%
IVA: 21% Sobre a comissão apenas
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4.3.24 em Medusa Auctioneers

Jackson Pollock (cody Wyoming 1912 - 1956 Springs, New York), (after), Drawing in blue marker, and bears signature and date '1956'.