Auction КАНИКУЛЫ/VACATION 165 Russian, Soviet art. Non-conformism. Decorative art, photos. Archives B. Iofan O. Lepeshinskaya
By Sovcom
Jun 1, 2021
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russia

Русская живопись и графика. Передвижники. Мир искусств и СРХ. Орловский, Кустодиев, Анненков, Бенуа, Добужинский, Тихменев, Лансере. Иконы и гарднер. Плакаты и графика 20-30х годов. ОСТ, Кукрыниксы, Советская и современная живопись и графика, иллюстрации. Редкости и Архивы Б. Иофана и О. Лепешинской. Фотографии Е. Халдея. Советская бронза, фарфор, шкатулки. Нонконформизм, В. Пивоваров, Э. Неизвестный, Д. Краснопевцев, Н. Нестерова. Д. Намдаков. Современные художники.
Выставка открыта с 20 по 31 мая. Торги 1 июня в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул Щепкина 28.
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LOT 7:

Dobrokovskii Mechislav Vasilevich
Caucasus. The original illustration for the essay ...

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Start price:
10,000 р
Estimated price :
10,000p - 30,000p
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details

Caucasus. The original illustration for the essay by A.E. Kosterina “In the Caucasus Mountains. 1917-1920 ".
Year: 1920s.
Technique: Ink, pen on paper.
Size: 21,5х34.

Damage on the photo.

Dobrokovskii Mechislav Vasilevich (1895-1937).

One of Easel painter members, participator of I and III exhibitions. Studied at Moscow Vkhutemas (1923-1924), in the beginning of 1930s studied at Leningrad Vkhutemas. Member-founder of “October” Association (1928-1930), was a leader of Red committee “October”. Designed and illustrated such books as: “Red oil” of A. Kosterin (1923, Publishing house “Young guards”), “Miracle fish” of N.I. Komkolov (1928), “Forest lake” of N.P. Plavilschikov (1929), “Bumps” of A.S. Novikova-Priboi (1930) and others. Designed covers for the following magazines: “Give” (1929, N3), “Artists’ brigade” (1931, N 5-6). From 1923 was a permanent employee of “Godless man on the shopfloor” magazine (“Godless man”), where he worked with Deineka, Mor, Cheremnoi. Became friend with D. Moor and partly thanks to his patronage Dobrokovskii started making posters. Made posters “Kave-blacksmith” (1921), “Song of a collective” (1928), “We are going under a full head of steam on the way to industrialization of socialism” (1931). In 1925 Dobrokovskii was awarded with a gold medal and diploma at a Paris exhibition of painterly and decorative art for his poster. In the beginning of 1930s became a member of Book and poster association. Participated in many exhibitions. The artists works are kept in the best Russian museums, including Tretyakov State gallery and Russian State Museum.

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