Auction КАНИКУЛЫ/VACATION 165 Russian, Soviet art. Non-conformism. Decorative art, photos. Archives B. Iofan O. Lepeshinskaya
By Sovcom
Jun 1, 2021
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russia

Русская живопись и графика. Передвижники. Мир искусств и СРХ. Орловский, Кустодиев, Анненков, Бенуа, Добужинский, Тихменев, Лансере. Иконы и гарднер. Плакаты и графика 20-30х годов. ОСТ, Кукрыниксы, Советская и современная живопись и графика, иллюстрации. Редкости и Архивы Б. Иофана и О. Лепешинской. Фотографии Е. Халдея. Советская бронза, фарфор, шкатулки. Нонконформизм, В. Пивоваров, Э. Неизвестный, Д. Краснопевцев, Н. Нестерова. Д. Намдаков. Современные художники.
Выставка открыта с 20 по 31 мая. Торги 1 июня в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул Щепкина 28.
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LOT 74:

Lebedev Vladimir Vassilievich
From the collection: sculpture by M.K. Anikushin. ...

Start price:
20,000 р
Estimated price :
20,000p - 80,000p
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details

From the collection: sculpture by M.K. Anikushin. Copy folder No. 27. "The Hunt". 12 autolithographs by V.V Lebedev. in the publishing folder.
Year: 1968.
Size: 34х27.

Ex. No. 27..L .: "Artist of the RSFSR". 1968. Circulation 500 copies. Collectively safe.

Lebedev Vladimir Vassilievich (1891, Saint-Petersburg – 1967, Leningrad).

People’s Artist of the RSFSR, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts. 
One of the founders of the Russian school for illustrating of the books for children. Attended the F.A. Russo Studio (1910-1914) and the M.D. Bernstein and L.V. Sharewood School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. Studied at the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Arts (1912-1914).
Collaborated with the “Satirikon’ and ‘New Satirikon’ Magazines. Was one of the founders of the propagandistic Windows of ‘ROSTa’ in Petrograd (1920-1921).
Professor of the Petrograd State Arts Studios (1918-1921).
Joined the ‘Association of New Trends in the Art’ (1922-1923) headed by V.E. Tatlin, having been considerably influenced by that. Later on was a member of the ‘Four Arts’. Created a special type of books illustration, uniting the traditions of the book illustrating drawing technique of the ‘World of the Arts’ and the futurists. In the 1920th made the satirical series ‘NEP’ (New Economical Policy), ‘New Life’, ‘Love of the Rabble’. The brilliant drawings ‘Acrobats’, ‘Ballerinas’ and ‘Guitar-players’ as well the numerous sketches of the naked appeared as the results of everyday work with the models. The artist’s illustrations to the ‘Baby elephant’ by R. Kipling and the poems of S. Marshak ‘Yesterday and Today’, ‘Ice-cream’, ‘Silly little mouse’, ‘Circus’ (all 1925), ‘Luggage’ (1926) and ‘How the Plane made the Plane’ opened a new era in the illustrated book for children. V.V. Lebedev was heading the Artistic Editorial Office of the Children and Youth literature Department of the State Edition, having converted it to the centre of creation of highly artistic books for children (1924-1933).
The works of V.V. Lebedev are kept at the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and other museums.