By Sovcom
Jul 20, 2021
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russia
Русская и советская живопись и графика. Фарфор. Шкатулки. Бронза. Фотографии, редкости и альбомы. Фотографии из архивов Б. Иофана и Е. Халдея. Советские академики: Б. Щербаков, П. Оссовский, Е. Зверьков. Кукрыниксы и нонконформисты: В. Немухин, В. Пивоваров, Д. Краснопевцев, А. Слепышев. Современные авторы. Выставка открыта с 6 по 19 июля. 18 июля - выходной. Торги 20 июля в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул. Щепкина 28
The auction has ended

LOT 3:

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich
Architectural drawing of the interior.

Start price:
20,000 р
Estimated price :
20,000р - 40,000р
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details

Architectural drawing of the interior.
Technique: Mixed media on paper.
Size: 31,7х47,5.

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich (1870, St. Petersburg – 1960, Paris).

Russian painter, performance artist, historian and art critic, founder of the World of Art association. Son of a famous architect N.L. Benua. Studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1887). During his frequent trips to France created a large tragical and grotesque watercolor series "Last promenades of Ludwig XIV (1897-1898), which brought him glory of the man who sings Versailles. Author of the History of Russian Art in the 19 century (1092), Russian Art School (10 books, 1904-1906) and the Art History of All Times and Cultures (4 books, 1912-1917; publication not completed). Founded and edited a magazine "Art Treasures of Russia" (1901-1903), much collaborated with magazines "Old Years", "Moscow Weekly" and newspapers "The Word" and "The Speech". During 1909-1911 acted as art director of "Russian Seasons". Collaborated with theatres in many countries, including the Paris Opera (1927-1934) and a Milan theatre "La Scala" (1947-1956). His artworks can be found in the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Russian Museum.