By Sovcom
Jul 20, 2021
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russia
Русская и советская живопись и графика. Фарфор. Шкатулки. Бронза. Фотографии, редкости и альбомы. Фотографии из архивов Б. Иофана и Е. Халдея. Советские академики: Б. Щербаков, П. Оссовский, Е. Зверьков. Кукрыниксы и нонконформисты: В. Немухин, В. Пивоваров, Д. Краснопевцев, А. Слепышев. Современные авторы. Выставка открыта с 6 по 19 июля. 18 июля - выходной. Торги 20 июля в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул. Щепкина 28
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LOT 43:

Viting Nikolai Iosifovich
After a workout.

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Start price:
10,000 р
Estimated price :
10,000р - 20,000р
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details

After a workout.
Year: 1970s.
Technique: Autolithography.
Size: 44x31.

Viting Nikolai Iosifovich (1911–1991).

A graphic artist. Member of Union of USSR Artists. Got to know Arts by taking classes in 1928 under association “Painters’ gild” in Moscow under K.F. Morozov. From 1938 taught by S.V. Gerasimov in Moscow fine arts Institute. But the most influence on young N.I. Viting’s artistic consciousness had A.V. Shevchenko, which was a founder of “Painters’ gild” and author of manifesto “Tsvetodinamos and tectonic primitivism”. Viting participated in exhibitions since 1930. Collaborated with Publishing Houses “Detgiz”, “Goslitizdat”, “Young guards” and others. Artist’s works are kept in the Tretyakov State Gallery, Historical and architectural museum “New Jerusalem”, “Negotiation” museum named after N.A. Ostrovskii, Georgia national museum and Karakalpakskii State museum named after I.V. Savitskii.

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