Auction 70 Part 1 Decorative Objects, Judaica, Jewish and International Art, Photography and Postcards, Israeliana and much more
By The Bidder
Feb 22, 2021
9 Leibowitsz street, Gedera, Israel

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The auction has ended

LOT 268:

Friedrich Salomon Krauss Autograph on book: Artemidoros aus Daldis. Symbolik der Traume, 1881

Start price:
$ 200
Buyer's Premium: 20% More details
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Feb 22, 2021 at The Bidder

Friedrich Salomon Krauss Autograph on book: Artemidoros aus Daldis. Symbolik der Traume, 1881
Friedrich Salomon Krauss, Croatian Austrian Jewish sexologist, ethnographer, folklorist, and Slavist, his large Autograph / dedication to Siegfried Mekler classical philologist and writer, 1881 on book:
Artemidoros aus Daldis. Symbolik der Traume. Ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Friedrich S. Krauss. In German
Wien, Pest, Leipzig, A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1881, XIV, 333 pp. 19 x 13,5 cm., hard cover, marmoreal boards and edges
With owners stamp of Siegfried Mekler and ex-library stamps
Condition: cover slightly worn, rubbed to edges and spine; tear near spine to title page; light brown paper, some pages with foxing stains
Erste Ausgabe dieser Ubersetzung, von Freud fur seine eigenen Forschungen verwendet. Artemidoros unterschied mannliche und weibliche Traumsymbole und betont, dass ein Traumsymbol je nach Kontext verschiedene Bedeutung haben kann. In diesem Werk wird nicht nur auf den Trauminhalt, sondern auch auf die Person und die Lebensumstande des Traumers Rucksicht genommen, so das das namliche Traumelement fur den Reichen, den Verheirateten, den Redner andere Bedeutung hat als fur den Armen, den Ledigen und etwa den Kaufmann. Das Wesentliche an diesem Verfahren ist nun, das die Deutungsarbeit nicht auf das Ganze des Traumes gerichtet wird, sondern auf jedes Stuck des Trauminhalts, fur sich, als ob der Traum ein Konglomerat ware, in dem jeder Brocken Gestein eine besondere Bestimmung verlangt. Es sind sicherlich die unzusammenhangenden und verworrenen Traume, von denen der Antrieb zur Schopfung der Chiffriermethode Freuds ausgegangen ist.
Friedrich Salomon Krauss (7 October 1859, Pozega, Kingdom of Hungary – 29 May 1938, Vienna) was a Croatian Austrian Jewish sexologist, ethnographer, folklorist, and Slavist.
In 1877–78, Krauss attended the University of Vienna.
One of his first publications was a translation of Artemidoros' of Daldis Interpretation of Dreams was cited in Sigmund Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams. He began his career as a folklorist and ethnologist.
In 1884–85, Krauss received funding from the Crown Prince Rudolf to gather folklore and ballads of the Guslar singers in Bosnia, Croatia and Herzegovina. As a result of this field research, he published a two-volume collection of fairytales, Sagen und Marchen der Sudslaven.
Perhaps his most famous work was the Anthropophytia (1904-1913), a scholarly yearbook which published folklore of erotic and sexual content. In alliance with the growing psychoanalytic movement, Krauss and his colleagues felt that sexual folklore, which was generally purged from all published collections by scholars, could provide valuable information about a culture and society. He was a correspondent of Freud and used the term paraphilia to describe certain deviant sexual practices.
His research in the field of sexuality led to some conflict. In 1913 Anthropophytia was banned and Krauss was brought to trial in Berlin as a pornographer. He was convicted, which caused him a large financial loss and hurt his reputation.[1]
Krauss lived and worked as a writer, private scholar, and translator in Vienna. His translations include Scatalogic Rites of All Nations by John Gregory Bourke. Krauss was for a number of years secretary of the Israelitische Allianz zu Wien.
Mekler, Siegfried (1852-1912), classical philologist and writer
Siegfried Mekler classical philologist and writer. * Vienna, March 1, 1852; † Vienna, October 16, 1912. Studied 1870–73 at the Univ. Vienna Classical Philology, teaching examination from Latin and Greek. (1881 Dr. phil.); taught 1887–95 at the Döblinger Gymn., 1895–1910 at the Elisabeth Gymn. Vienna V. After his habilitation (1886) he devoted himself primarily to his scientific work. The main area of work M.s, the significant text crit. Works authored and a meritorious editor. Activity developed lay in the Greek philology, here above all in tragedy. He was a brilliant translator and writer of ancient poetry and also undertook his own poets. Tries. In addition to his scientific work, M. also dealt with youth and popular education.