Gallery address: 9 Leibowitsz street, Gedera.
This time we are going on vacation starting on November 29th, so we will ask for your cooperation in finalizing payment including delivery/pickup no later than Monday next week, November 28th.
pay attention!
This sale is especially big, 788 items in a wide variety of fields!
Part A: Items 1-100: Jewish history: rare books, documents, autographs, photographs, certificates, archives and various paper items.
Part B: Items 101-254: Jewelry: mainly silver and fashion.
Part C: Items 300-375: Sale of items without a minimum
Part D: Items 400 and up: Diverse general sale: Collection of antique silverware: Austro-Hungary, Germany, collection of Judaica items, collection of porcelain and glass items and many other subjects.
Part E: items 1000-1091 - sale without minimum of mainly Judaica items
All the devices and clocks in this auction are sold as they are, there is no gurantee for order condition.
Purchasing jewelry and gems: The auction house provides a description of the diamonds and gems to the best of its understanding and based on the knowledge and experience of the auction house experts. However, the auction house does not undertake to accurately describe the items in terms of stone size, color, level of cleanliness, condition (including description of defects) and whether it has undergone treatment or painting and the buyer is responsible for inspecting the diamonds and gems before sale. For the avoidance of doubt, no option will be given to cancel the purchase of jewelry, diamonds and gems or return them after purchase, even if the description does not match the item.
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A fee of 5% will be added to late payments.
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Shippments can be choosen in one of forward options:
1. Registered shippping (Israel post) prices:
Up to 2 kilo at a cost of 22 NIS
2-5 Kilo cost 27 NIS.
5-10 kilo cost 35 NIS
10-20 kilo cost 42 NIS
2. For this sale only we have a special offer!
Courier mail of Israel Post for a package of reasonable size (up to 50X50X50 cm) and up to 20 kilos at a cost of only NIS 45. (Warranty and insurance according to the terms of delivery of Israel Mail packages only!)
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*** Please pay attention! there is no gurantee for damage/breakage to items in any type of mail (registered / couriers)! A customer who confirms the delivery of items, will take into account that the warranty will only be in the event of loss until the cost is covered by the postal services only ****
In cases of complecated items and fragile items, the auction house may take an additional cost to ensure the proper packaging of the items.
With certain items, large or particularly complex items, the buyer will have to coordinate collection from the Auction House.
LOT 77:
Gift to Jewish girl Sima Brodskaya in Izmail School, dedication on a book, Russian Empire, 1908
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Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 20%
More details
VAT: 18%
On commission only
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations
Gift to Jewish girl Sima Brodskaya in Izmail School, dedication on a book, Russian Empire, 1908
Gift to Jewish girl Sima Brodskaya for good academic achievement in Izmail School, dedication on a Russian poetry book, Russian Empire, 1908
The book: Russkie poety za 100 let (Russian poets for 100 year, ed. A.K. Sal’nikov, 1901, St.Petersburg, illustrated by portraits of the poets. 601 pp.
Half leather hard cover, gold lettering to cover and spine, marmoreal endpapers, 24.4 x 16 cm.
Condition: some rubbing to edges of cover, spine damaged – rubbing, stains, tears to hinges; light brown paper, one leaf detached
Русские поэты за 100 лет
Сборник лучших лирических произведений русской поэзии. Позвольте представить замечательную антологию русской лирической поэзии ХIX века. Цель данного сборника по определению сосавителя -'дать читателю возможно полный сборник лучших образцов русской лирической поэзии, который бы, по богатству и разнообразию своего содержания, мог удовлетворить самым взыскательным литературным вкусам и эстетическим требованиям'. Как ни печально, но в советские годы, когда главный акцент делался на социальную и гражданскую направленность, некотрые имена и прекрасные образцы поэзии были несправедливо забыты. Данная антолгия позволяет частично восполнить эти пробелы. В отношении выбора помещённых в нём произведений предлагаемый сборник чужд какой-либо тенденции:'в него включено всё то, что только обладает большими или меньшими поэтическими достоинствами, проникнуто искренним чувством и отличается красотой формы, без всякого отношения к тому, какого литературного лагеря или направления поэт, крупный ли он талант, или второстепенный'.
Russian poets for 100 years
Collection of the best lyrical works of Russian poetry. Allow me to present a wonderful anthology of Russian lyric poetry of the 19th century. The purpose of this collection, according to the definition of the co-author, is 'to give the reader the most complete collection of the best examples of Russian lyric poetry, which, by the richness and variety of its content, could satisfy the most demanding literary tastes and aesthetic requirements'. Sadly, but in the Soviet years, when the main emphasis was on social and civic orientation, some names and excellent examples of poetry were unfairly forgotten. This anthology partially fills these gaps. With regard to the choice of works placed in it, the proposed collection is alien to any trend: it includes everything that only has greater or lesser poetic merit, is imbued with sincere feeling and is distinguished by the beauty of form, without any relation to which literary camp or direction. a poet, whether he is a major talent or a minor one.